Dienstag, 30. April 2019
To err is human
A number of years ago, at the age of 41 to be precise, I didn't really know how my life would continue. And so I decided to do nothing and wait.
But when after a while something still hadn't happened big, some Christians started to criticize me. True to the motto: A lazy life is not a life pleasing to God!
I have to say that I was already pretty tired of that. Obviously they didn't know the old Indian saying: "Run for half a year in another man's moccasins before you judge him". And anyway, if they already judged me, how did they come to such a misjudgement?
During this time one day I came to the university library. I had just entered the book area when I suddenly heard a young woman say "To err is human! Unusually loud for such a place. And I immediately had the feeling that this could be a message for me.
I wanted to make my way to my favourite place when suddenly a strange thought came to my mind: Why don't you take a tour of the library first? I stopped. Why not?, I suddenly thought and went off.
I wandered aimlessly along the library corridors without paying much attention to anything. Finally I stopped in front of any bookshelf and simply picked out a book "blindly".
When I read the title of the book a few seconds later, I was astonished: About the error! stood up there. Of course, I immediately remembered the words of the young woman who had touched me so deeply: To err is human. What a coincidence!
A coincidence? Certainly not! After a blind flight through the library past tens of thousands of books I now held this book about error in my hands. Unbelievable, I thought. First the message of the young woman and now this book. Obviously I should read it now.
When I closed it again two hours later, I felt a deep inner relief and a strong consolation. I suddenly understood that error is an essential part of life from which no one can absolve himself.
In this sense it was not really surprising that I had been judged so wrongly by some Christians. To err is human, I thought, even among God's children!
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