Freitag, 22. Juni 2018
Who seeks Him, will probably also find Him
There are 1000 and more "reasons" that speak against the correctness of the Christian faith. Contrary to my true conviction, I could deny it with razor-sharp logic and would certainly also receive applause from the appropriate side. But it would also be denying my own life story.
I really understand that people are trapped in their very personal error and do not recognize the truth of the Gospel. I would probably be in a similar state if my eyes had not been opened more than 30 years ago and the grace of recognition had not been granted to me.
It was a really dramatic story back then that led to my conversion. Those who read it will understand that I cannot help but believe in Jesus, my Savior: Saved from the Devil's Kitchen
From this personal experience it is relatively clear to me that one can hardly convince anyone argumentatively of the Christian faith. You have to experience something in order to grasp it. Something greater than any rational reason that speaks against faith.
To cut a long story short: If you really want to know whether the Christian faith is right, you should put all your counter-arguments on hold for a while and go on a search - honestly and seriously.
On it rests a great biblical promise: He who seeks me will find me, and he who knocks on my door will be opened (Matthew 7)
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